Cloud Acropolis is a Global organization registered in many countries. Our presence ranges from Oman to Europe and North America and soon to be South East Asia. We believe in Local Service. All our setup for each country is installed in a Rated III+ data center (Some times even 2 HA sites). Beside International Standards such as ISO27001 and PCI DSS, we also follow local cloud and data center guidelines and certifications. Information is more secure when hosted locally.
In Cloud Acropolis, we believe in creating more value for our customers and liberating them from many ICT hassles. To accomplish this, our priority is service quality. The first step is to introduce our products and educate our customers. We then collaborate with them to move all or partial ICT load into our environment, which would benefit both sides. We become partners Being a Reliable Omani Partner, we offer end to end SLA to all our customers on all our products. Residing in local countries brings us proximity and face to face connection with our clients, we, therefore, are forced to become more responsible and accountable for all our services. High Availability, High Reliability, and High Security are all aspects of our services that encompass the signed SLA. They are measured transparently for assurance and serviceability. Cloud Acropolis is a Cloud and Datacenter service provider worldwide having presence in multiple geographical places.